Gertrude sighting

For those of you who have been asking, Gertrude is alive and well. I guess since she is an immortal being, the alive part is sort of a given. It’s probably more accurate to say that the author in me is alive and Gertrude has been nudging hard enough to get me out of my slump.

I am currently working on a Pocket Watch book–tentatively titled, In My Arms. Those of you who have read most or all of my books probably realize they are set in the same world, first created in Highland Solution. But until now, the connections between my other Scottish historical novels and The Pocket Watch Chronicles, have been somewhat indirect. This time they will collide head on.

The hero in the current work in progress is Flan MacKenzie. You might remember him from Highland Courage. He was the heroine’s (Mairead’s) little brother and the hero’s (Tadgh Matheson’s), fourteen year old squire. But the heroine of In My Arms is Ellery Nash, who currently lives in Naples Florida. As always, her life is about to be turned upside down by Gertrude and the pocket watch.

More on this later.

Be kind.

About cecigiltenan

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7 Responses to Gertrude sighting

  1. Great news !
    i am currently on my 4th re-run thru PocketWatch series, so i guess next i will need to re-run the Highland Courage series.

  2. annalba says:

    Oh I just can’t wait, I just love a Gertrude interference.

  3. Annie Washabaugh says:

    YAY!!! AWESOMENESS!! I so can not wait!! Thank goodness Gertrude nudged you hard….

  4. Word Smith says:

    Hi Susan,

    Hope you are well! I was happy to see new blog posts from you. Got to admit, when I heard arhat Gertrude has been nudging you, I got excited. I still remember the Christmas story and to this day am still influenced by how I was touched by Agnes’ joy being surrounded by her family at the end of her life. I have enjoyed taking on the occasional select editing job, and any of the Pocket Watch series would be a top pick! Of all the editing projects I have taken on personally over the years, your books have been my favourite.

    All the best and happy writing! Graeme

    >> >>

    • cecigiltenan says:

      Hi Graeme,

      Thank you for the kind words. Actually I have been thinking about The Christmas Present a lot recently. Millions of people are dying alone now. Not just those with COVID-19, but anyone who has to be hospitalized. My dad died in April. He didn’t have the virus, but was hospitalized because of congestive heart failure and sepsis. We couldn’t visit. And when he appeared to be on the mend, he died suddenly. He was alone. It really brought the great scope of this tragedy home. I need to write a forward and a new dedication for The Christmas Present, considering all of this.

  5. Mary Alexander says:

    HUGE fan Ceci! Have all your books and keep re-reading them. You are not in a slump, just doing other things. Touching base to remind you how deeply valued you are and how much your stories inspire and touch so many people! I love your world view and admire your powerful ability to tell a tale!
    Mary Alexander

  6. Anna says:

    I love your books, have read them all, re-read them all. Your writing inspires me and sparks off stories in my own imagination. Hope you are well and remember how loved your books are and how loved your characters are. Look forward to anything you do in the future and hope you see this x

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